RoJo Life Weapon’s

RoJo Life weapons are made with craftsmanship, elegance in presentation, design, perfectly balanced for learning and to be the best competition weapons in the World.       

Our weapons have been in development, tested and improved to the specifications of the top Athletes around the world. Each color and design was refined for athletes to train hard, train perfect and to achieve their specific goals.  Our development and chase for the perfect Bo and set of Kama’s came with many literal breaks, snaps of weapons and color combination failures on some of the largest stages, under the brightest lights and toughest black belt tests in the World.

RoJo Life Weapons are light weight, durable, balanced and weighted to feel like an extension of you the athlete.  We offer both Tapered and Non-Tapered traditional Bo’s to meet the needs of athletes and school owners. Martial Artists and athletes invest time and capital to accomplish their goals.  Your tools should not prevent you from achieving greatness.  To be the best you need to surround your self with greatness. Choose RoJo Life Weapons and enjoy the journey